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Jesus v Santa

Santa and JesusAs if to prove that the commercialisation of Christmas has definitely moved a step too far, a recent survey has found that many people struggle with the storyline of the birth of baby Jesus.  Over 2,000 children and parents were polled on behalf of the Bible Society about their nativity play knowledge, and the results  showed some major holes in the story.   Here are just some of the hilarious results:

  • A majority of Britons appear to be unaware that Jesus was born out-of-wedlock
  • Only 26% knew that Mary and Joseph were betrothed
  • 2% thought Mary and Joseph were ‘on their first date’ when they found out she was pregnant
  • A further 37 people thought Santa Claus was the first person to visit baby Jesus
  • A majority believed he was sleeping in a Moses basket, not a manger

We hear a lot about “the war on Christmas”, but the true seasonal struggle is the war within Christmas, a single holiday shared by two deeply antagonistic religions.

bithday wish 1Religion 1 is the religion of Jesus Christ, the figure whose birth the holiday commemorates. This religion emphasises universal grace and forgiveness.

Religion 2 is the religion of Santa Claus, the holiday’s most visible representative. Santa upholds a much sterner creed: “You better watch out / You better not cry / Better not pout / I’m telling you why / Santa Claus is coming to town / He’s making a list / And checking it twice / Gonna find out who’s naughty and nice …”

So even though Christmas began as a celebration dedicated to Jesus, this holiday has become increasingly commercial, most people being more interested in gifts and parties than the religious side of this holiday. Although they are tied to the same day, December 25th, Santa Claus and Jesus’ birth don’t have much in common, because each one promotes other values.

santa elves reindeerIt’s funny how many people teach their kids all about Jesus and God (something that can’t be proven), while there are others that wait to introduce ideas of faith and religion to their kids when they’re old enough to decide for themselves (very enlightened!) .   And then there are those who have had no problem telling their kids about a fat guy sliding down the chimney with a sack full of gifts and eating the cookies and milk, his elves, flying reindeer, and somehow doing this at midnight in every home all around the world (WTF?).

It truly is a time of year when there is something for everyone it seems!  So, whatever you believe, a very Merry Christmas to one and all!!!